According to PANews, Open Campus, a Web3 education platform, has announced plans to sell the main nodes of EDU Chain, a Layer3 blockchain designed specifically for education. The main node sale will include both presale and public sale, with details to be announced in June.

The sale of EDU Chain's main nodes aims to encourage early participation through a tiered method. The node prices will increase at each level within multiple tiers. A portion of the sequencer fees will be paid to the main node operators as a token of appreciation for their help in verifying transactions on the EDU chain. Furthermore, the main nodes can be transferred one year after the sale.

This move by Open Campus is seen as a significant step in promoting the use of blockchain technology in the field of education. By selling the main nodes of the EDU Chain, the platform aims to encourage more individuals and institutions to participate in the blockchain-based educational system. The details of the sale, including the pricing tiers and the process of transfer after a year, will be revealed in June.