According to Foresight News, blockchain analyst ZachXBT has raised concerns about a potential scam involving the team behind ZebraDAO on Base and a new project called Leaper Finance on Blast. The platform has already launched with a total value locked (TVL) of $311,000. ZachXBT advises users who have deposited funds into this protocol to withdraw their assets immediately.

In a previous report, ZachXBT identified a fraudulent team that had stolen tens of millions of dollars from websites such as Magnate, Kokomo, Lendora, and Solfire, and had deployed the new project Leaper Finance on Blast. Last week, this scam group funded an address with approximately $1 million laundered from previous rug pulls on Blast and began providing liquidity to lure users.

ZachXBT noted that over time, this fraudulent team increased its TVL to over a million dollars, then stole all the funds deposited into the protocol and forged KYC documents using low-level auditing firms. Currently, this scam group has initiated scams on platforms such as Base, Solana, Scroll, Optimism, Arbitrum, Ethereum, and Avalanche.