What are some concise life advices?

1. Never reveal more than 75% of yourself.

A woman half-covered when coming out of the bath is the most attractive, the "familiar" strangeness is the best social state, suspenseful shots are attractive, and movies with spoilers are boring.

2. The world is driven by people who go to bed early and get up early. The porridge in the morning tastes better than the wine in the late night.

3. If your financial situation allows, you must buy insurance. Insurance is the best tool to avoid risks. Few ordinary families can afford major accidents or diseases.

4. Forget the word "connections". The essence of social interaction is the exchange of values. If you don't have the ability or resources to exchange with others, your connections are a joke.

5. As long as you still remember the past, it is no longer the past. There is no need to "demand" yourself to "let it go". The real way to let go is to face the bloody reality, not to brainwash yourself to escape.

6. Making money is the most effective way to "protect" yourself and those around you.

7. For ordinary people with no background or resources, sticking to one thing will allow you to surpass 90% of your peers, and even leave behind those who have a higher starting point than you. Singing, photography, painting, design, law, medicine, find a hobby that you can stick to for more than 10 years, and then stick to it, and keep working hard. There may be no improvement in the first two years, but after 5 years, you will get a huge return. After 10 years, you can rely on this thing to the extreme and surpass the life and achievements of 90% of your peers.

I majored in science and engineering in college, but I had no interest in cold mechanical equipment. I locked myself in the room and thought for three days. Early that morning, I remember that I opened my notebook with a pale face and began to write a line. I wrote for nearly five years. From a teenager whose manuscripts were constantly rejected, to having 6 out of 6 manuscripts published in China Youth Magazine, and to now having founded two companies, I know deeply the energy that can be generated by loving something and sticking to it.

The first time I got accepted, I posted three messages on WeChat Moments to show off

8. Don't be afraid of a broken heart, it's just paving the way for the arrival of true love. In the next few years, when you look back at your tears, you will find that they are nothing.

9. Economic independence is the basis of independent thought and independent behavior. Getting out of poverty is more important than getting out of being single.

10. Don't waste your time arguing with idiots. Summer insects cannot talk about ice.

11. Knowing how to praise others is a good habit. People who are willing to like inspiring answers on Zhihu tend to live happier lives than ordinary people and will also bring a lot of happiness to the answerer.

12. When facing someone who infringes on your rights, you must be thorny. The harder and more powerful your thorns are, the less likely the weakling will dare to infringe on you. People like to pick on the weak, but when they encounter a giant, they will give in.

13. The best way to kill procrastination: do everything for three minutes first.

14. Don’t let your daily time be fragmented. Fragmentation is the enemy of efficiency. Spend less time on your Moments and chat in groups, as this will only waste your time.

15. Don’t say bad things about people behind their backs. Not only is there a risk of it being spread, but the people who hear it will think you are saying the same thing about them behind their back.

16. The most effective way to change yourself is to do what you are afraid of.

17. Inaction is more terrible than failure. Do what you are afraid of and you will find that it is nothing special.

18. To read a person, read his actions, not his words.

19. Keep reading and learn to think independently.

When I first entered college, I was a loser, playing games and sleeping late every day. Later, I finally figured out what I wanted and started reading a lot. Over the years, I have read nearly 500 books (some books I read carefully, and some books I skimmed, only reading the necessary parts). I am very grateful for the practical and vivid cases and high-dimensional cognition in those books, which really helped me solve many practical problems encountered in work and life.

20. If you have the chance, go deep into the quagmire once.

After the college entrance examination, I went to work during the summer vacation with my classmates. I worked a 12-hour night shift. Ten people were crowded in a small dormitory of 30 square meters. The smell of sweat was everywhere, and the workplace was also shabby. This experience made me deeply understand the inefficiency of exchanging labor for money, and also laid the foundation for me to cherish the opportunity to make money through brainwork later.

Many times, when you don’t know what you want, go to a place you don’t like and stay there for a while. When you know a lot of things you don’t want, you will slowly understand what you really want.

At that time, I wrote a message to my classmate’s circle of friends: “A man can be poor, but he must be sexy enough”

21. Don’t always envy other people’s lives. Many people who look glamorous and beautiful during the day cry in the darkness of the night. You are already living a good life.

22. Don’t lower your living standard to save money. Cheap goods may make you feel good the moment you buy them, but they will bring you a lot of regret and discomfort in the next few years. Expensive goods may make you feel bad the moment you buy them, but you will feel happy the more you use them.

23. "There is no such thing as empathy in the world. If you have not experienced my suffering, don't judge me casually."

24. Choose your profession, company, and who to marry, all at your own discretion. You can listen to the advice of the older generation with respect, but don’t let it affect your judgment. Many of them have not even lived a good life, but always like to preach to others. If you don’t want to live the same life as them, choose your own path. It will be difficult, but it will become smoother and smoother as time goes by.

25. Don't be nervous in public. Everyone is busy and pays much more attention to their phones than to you. So, relax and be natural. You don't have many audiences.

26. What hurts you the most? What you care about the most.

A slap in the face from someone you love hurts hundreds of times more than a slap from someone who doesn't matter to you.

27. Don’t be a teacher. Everyone knows the truth, and few people like to be taught from a superior position.

28. When you feel it is difficult, that is when you are making progress. Mechanical and repetitive work is the least efficient way to grow, and forcing yourself to do difficult things, things you have never done before, can greatly enhance your potential.

29. "Learn to manage finances." Learn to build your passive money-making machine. When your passive money-making machine exceeds your daily expenses, you will be financially free. Carrying water is important, but digging wells is more important. You can try investment and financial management. Don't just stick to a fixed salary. From 2017 to now, I have read a lot of financial management books and courses, and consulted many experts who are good at financial management. I also have some experience and insights in financial management. In addition to starting a business, I have made my savings grow steadily through financial management and achieved wealth accumulation through multiple channels.

30. Working harder is not just shouting slogans, and being full of positive energy is not just about talking about it.

31. Action is the best way to improve your personal charm. You may not see anything in a few days, but after a few years, when your positivity spreads to a certain extent, many people will be willing to work with you.

32. If you don’t like your current job, change it immediately. The longer you delay, the less courage you have. The more skills you learn, the less you will have to ask for help in the future.

33. Being able to contact your parents regularly is a great ability. Those who care about their family are worth making friends with, and those who show their worst side to their parents should either be kept away from or slapped in the face at all costs.

34. Don’t look down on anyone. Many people wearing slippers may be multi-millionaires.

35. Don’t force tolerance on people with different values. Interactions between people require a degree of compatibility. People with big differences in ideas are easily separated.

Just like I said flying is very convenient, but you said many people died in plane crashes.

36. Don’t overestimate your own abilities and lower your expectations. This way, when you do something, even if you complete it mediocrely, you won’t be devastated.

37. Others can make fun of themselves, but don't follow them.

38. Many times, completion is more important than perfection. Don't always wait until you are completely prepared before you start.

39. Learn to control your complaints and emotional venting. No one is obligated to bear your pain.

40. “Spring thanks winter for giving it sprouts, summer thanks spring for giving it blooms, autumn thanks summer for giving it cultivation, and winter thanks autumn for giving it peace. I thank you for giving my answer a thumbs up. Thank you.”

41. In life, apart from birth, old age, sickness and death, everything else is trivial.

42. When someone asks you for help, if you hesitate, just refuse decisively. Hesitation will make the other person feel hopeful. When you think about it for a while before refusing, the other person will be more disappointed. Learning to refuse decisively is a course that adults must study carefully.

43. Work hard to learn a language, such as English.

We have been learning English for more than ten years since primary school, but most of us are still not as good as native English speakers who are only a few years older. The reason is that many people do not understand the core of English when learning it.

The language environment is the core of learning English well. Just like a Cantonese who goes to the Northeast, his Mandarin will not improve, but he will have more regional characteristics. To learn English well, you must create a suitable environment + efficient learning methods. Without any of them, you cannot really learn English well.

44. You can't please everyone. No matter how well you do, there will always be people who are dissatisfied. Stay away from those who always find fault with you. Those who always make things difficult for you are not good people either.

45. It is very bad to like to drink milk tea and fried food. What should I do if I know it is bad but my mouth is itchy? Find food to replace them, such as nuts, fruits, etc. Stick to it for a month, your skin will be much more beautiful, and your body temperament will gradually improve.

46. ​​Taking good care of yourself is the premise of loving others. Don’t fall into other people’s definition of you. If they say you are really hardworking, you can help them work for free every day. If they say you are really generous, you can treat her to dinner every day. People with demanding personality are naturally good at taking advantage of people with pleasing personality. You should open your eyes and distinguish who is good to you and who is taking advantage of you.

47. English is really important. It can bring you much more than just three things: smooth travel, financial gains, and career development.

48. The world is broken, so don’t say you have seen through it. - Fu Shouer

49. Kindness is not good for commanding an army. In a team, the forgiveness of a wicked person by a saintly bitch is the greatest harm to a group of good people.

50. Stick to exercise, eat three meals regularly, and investing in your own health is always the most cost-effective. Many people now have minor ailments, such as shoulder pain, sagging skin, and the three highs. Stick to exercise for a year and save you tens of thousands of dollars on medical treatment in the future.

51. Don't tell others before things are done. Don't say you are wrong before you know the full situation.

52. Change your laziness and you will change your life. The more diligently you work on life, friendship, love, and family, the better these four things will become.

53. Skin care is necessary for both men and women if you don’t want to look like a 50-year-old at the age of 30.

54. A person who loves you very much will not let you often ask: "Do you love me?"

55. If you haven’t thought it through and you don’t have the ability, don’t have a baby. Having a baby is not good for you and the baby.

56. Be kind to good people and raise your sword against evil people. Beat those who bully you, once is enough.

57. If you can control your emotions, you can control the situation.

58. Don't mistake the brake for the accelerator. Remember to use the left brake and the right accelerator.

59. If you keep pretending that you don’t care about her, you will really lose her.

60. How to quickly learn a field? Find an outstanding predecessor in this field and sincerely ask him for advice.

61. Learning to cook delicious food can not only nourish your stomach, but maybe one day, it can also nourish her stomach.

62. A bad environment will make a good person bad, and a good environment will make a bad person good. If you want to become the kind of person you want to be, you should spend more time with people like that.

63. If your financial situation allows, take your family for a physical check-up every year. The sooner you buy insurance for yourself and your family, the better.

64. True happiness comes from the hard work of your own hands.

65. Don’t pin your happiness on others. You need to bow and scrape to accept what others give you. If one day you make others unhappy, they can kick you away at any time.

66. There are four things you should never do in life: don't just take the easy path, don't try to change others, don't be afraid to start for fear of making mistakes, and your temper should never be greater than your ability.

67. Be respectful. When you meet a 70-year-old fox or an elite in a high position, don't try to be smart. The safest thing is to be a fool.

68. Don’t turn your back on anyone who has cheated on you. Note that this means “not even once.” Don’t be too optimistic. Someone who cheated on you once will often cheat on you a second time.

69. Don’t easily agree to a relationship with someone you are not satisfied with. The price is high. If you don’t love someone, don’t force yourself to date them.

Love relies on feelings, while marriage relies on material + feelings, neither of which can be missing.

70. Never use favors to solve problems that can be solved with money. When others have problems, you will find that favors are the most expensive.

71. Don't lend money to someone you don't know well, because when he asks you to borrow money, it means that all the people who know him well have borrowed money from him, and no one is willing to lend him money. Unless you can treat the money as throwing it away, don't be compassionate, because there must be something hateful about pitiful people.

72. Calm people will bring a sense of security to others. When encountering problems, deal with your emotions first and then solve the problem. Don’t rush to draw conclusions. Think - analyze - observe and get feedback. The calmer you are, the more good solutions you can think of, and the calmer the enemy, the more panicked they will be.

73. You don't have to bow and scrape to others at any time. Being neither humble nor arrogant is the best state of life. The more humble a person is, the easier it is to be bullied. As the saying goes, people like to pick on the weak.

74. The most painful people are often the most clear-headed.

75. The definition of "real growth" is not that you have caught a fish, but that you have learned how to fish, know what bait to use, what fishing rod to use, and how to look at the weather and wind direction.

76. To judge a person's achievements, we should not look at how rich he is, but how much breakthrough he has made based on his original family. Wang Jianlin's son is richer than 99.9% of people, but he is not necessarily better than 99.9% of people.

77. Learn to manage your finances. Learn to build your passive money-making machine. When your passive money-making machine exceeds your daily expenses, you will be financially free. Carrying water is important, but digging a well is more important. You can try investment and financial management, and don't just stick to a fixed salary.

78. Positive energy can leverage your setbacks. For a person who remains positive, failure is temporary and success is inevitable.

79. Learn to "change". Change your environment occasionally, and you will find a place with fresher air. Change your sports, and you will find more fun activities. A frog squatting in its comfort zone is easily cooked, while an eagle that flies frequently has a particularly broad vision. #BTC走势分析 #MemeWatch2024 #以太坊ETF批准预期