According to ChainCatcher, Spot On Chain monitoring shows that two traders made 73 and 49 times of profit by trading KITTY in just one month. Among them:

  • Wallet "EPL15" made a profit of about 1,010 SOL ($153,000 or 73x): 14.67 million KITTY ($1,946) was purchased for 14 SOL from March 31 to April 24. Current value: 1,024 SOL ($155,000).

  • Wallet "7Jt9m" made a profit of about 1,440 SOL ($214,000 or 49x): 20.53 million KITTY ($4,170) was purchased for 30 SOL on April 1 and 3. Current value: 1,470 SOL ($218,000).