According to U.Today, Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum, has recently shared an update on the Ethereum (ETH) roadmap. This update comes after the recent Dencun upgrade, which was implemented on March 13. The upgrade aimed to reduce costs for layer-2 transactions and enhance data availability. The Dencun upgrade introduced proto-danksharding, also known as EIP-4844, which allows for the inclusion of data 'blobs' in blocks. This upgrade has significantly improved the network's efficiency, building on the previous successes of the Merge and Shanghai upgrades.

The next upgrades in line are The Verge and The Purge. The Verge upgrade will integrate Verkle trees, enabling stateless clients and reducing the cost of running a node. This change is expected to result in a tenfold increase in the layer-1 gas limit, leading to cheaper transactions. The Purge upgrade aims to simplify the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) by removing certain features, such as the SELFDESTRUCT opcode and the 2,300 gas stipend. This simplification will streamline the EVM and enhance its efficiency.

In his latest post, Buterin noted that the ban on the SELFDESTRUCT opcode is nearly complete. While the opcode remains for now, its most problematic behavior — editing an unlimited number of storage slots simultaneously — has been addressed with the Dencun upgrade. This adjustment is a crucial step towards simplifying Ethereum’s protocol and enhancing its security and performance. These updates underscore Ethereum's ongoing efforts to evolve into a more scalable and efficient blockchain.