According to Foresight News, the founder of SlowMist, Yu Xun, has issued a warning about phishing attacks that target the first and last numbers of a digital wallet. He stated that hackers often use a 'net attack' strategy, playing a game of probability with those who fall for their tricks. To protect against such attacks, he suggested several measures. These include manually checking if the wallet address is correct during key steps and not just relying on the first and last numbers. He also advised ignoring wallet history records as they can be easily manipulated.

In addition, he recommended risk control for transfers and transactions, especially for large amounts directed to a new target address or a certain transaction operation. For instance, if the target address is a strange contract, the wallet will issue a risk control reminder. Other preventive measures include a whitelist address mechanism and wallet address profiling capabilities.

In a previous report by Foresight News, a whale address fell victim to a phishing attack that targeted addresses with the same first and last numbers. The attack resulted in a loss of 1,155 BTC, equivalent to over 71 million USD. The phishing team subsequently sold all 1,155 WBTC and converted them into 22,960 ETH, which is currently distributed across 10 wallet addresses.