According to Binance Research, investment sentiment is expected to improve, valuations will be higher, and trading volumes will increase before the global Bitcoin halving, according to Golden Finance. The study, which surveyed more than 2,000 Australian cryptocurrency investors, showed that more than 80% of respondents believed that the upcoming halving would be beneficial to the industry, while more than half expected the price of BTC to rise as a result.

Ben Rose, general manager of Binance Australia and New Zealand, said that it is gratifying that Australian customers are very knowledgeable about the halving, with 85% believing they understand the situation. The results also show that the halving has a positive impact on BTC trading, with nearly 80% of Binance Australia users planning to increase their BTC holdings in the near future, and halving is an important intrinsic inflation hedge as we deal with inflationary pressures and rising interest rates. With only 21 million coins in existence, the asset mimics the scarcity of precious commodities such as gold. This has attracted the attention of institutional investors, who are increasingly aware that cryptocurrencies can be part of a diversified portfolio.