According to Foresight News, Antonio, the founder of dYdX, has announced via social media that several new features will be launched in the coming months. These include smart contracts, an Automated Market Maker (AMM) treasury, a permissionless coin market, an oracle covering the majority of tokens, and a pre-launch project list feature.

The introduction of smart contracts is a significant development, as it will allow for the execution of credible transactions without third parties. This technology is expected to enhance the efficiency and security of transactions on the platform.

The AMM treasury is another notable feature. It will facilitate liquidity provision and price determination in the absence of order books. This feature is designed to improve the trading experience for users by ensuring that there is always a counterparty for every trade.

The permissionless coin market will allow for the listing of new tokens without the need for approval. This feature is expected to increase the diversity of tokens available on the platform, providing more options for traders.

The oracle, which will cover the majority of tokens, is designed to provide reliable and accurate price feeds. This feature is crucial for the functioning of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, as it ensures that the prices used in smart contracts are accurate and up-to-date.

Lastly, the pre-launch project list feature will provide users with information about upcoming projects on the platform. This feature is expected to enhance transparency and allow users to make informed decisions about their investments.

These upcoming features are part of dYdX's ongoing efforts to improve its platform and provide a better trading experience for its users. However, specific dates for the launch of these features have not been disclosed.