It was revealed that the #Ethereum Foundation recently sold 1,700 $ETH for $2.74 million USDC. This news has spread quickly in the crypto community, and many are discussing its possible effects on the price of Ethereum (ETH) and the overall market dynamics. So, what's behind this sell-off and what does it mean for the Ethereum community? In this article, we will discuss the possible reasons for this sell-off and its implications for the future of Ethereum.

Why did the Ethereum Foundation make this sale?

The information that Ethereum Foundation sold 1,700 $ETH was obtained through on-chain data. The Foundation transferred approximately $2.74 million USDC to its multisig wallet. Immediately following the sell-off, ETH price dropped slightly and is currently trading at $1,594.

The exact reason behind this sale was not disclosed, but it is known that the Ethereum Foundation usually makes such sales to raise funds for the development and maintenance of the platform.

Impact on Ethereum Price

Immediately after this sale, there was a decrease in the price of $ETH . However, since price movements in crypto markets often depend on many factors, it is difficult to state whether this decline is entirely related to the sale of Ethereum Foundation.


Ethereum Foundation's sale of ETH has caused various speculations among the crypto community. However, such sales are usually made with the aim of financing the development of the platform and ensuring its sustainability. We will better understand its effects on Ethereum's price and overall market dynamics over time.

This article discusses the possible reasons and impacts of the Ethereum Foundation's recent ETH sale. However, more time and analysis will be required to understand the full impact of this sell-off on the future of Ethereum.