Day 262, at least 365 days of daily updates

Price of cake: 27216

Price of two cakes: 1691

Price of sesame cake: 215

Today's Thoughts

  • When the market is rising, all news is good; when the market is falling, all news is bad.

  • I went to a classmate's house for dinner today. Every National Day he goes to the Gobi Desert to retrace the route of Xuanzang. It is an event that really tests one's willpower. Every year, when I read the articles he writes on his public account and look at the photos he takes afterwards, I feel that I definitely cannot stick to it.

  • I started reading Shao Nan’s Product Meditations today. Flomo is one of my favorite notebooks. I have recorded a lot of random thoughts this year. I want to see how the product designer designed this product.

  • Today I started reading the September reviews of several big guys. There is a good thing, the Super Nut Cloud, which can send your favorite public account articles to an email address, and then convert them into PDF and send them to your local folder. Now I finish reading, take notes, and then back them up to the Quark cloud disk. When I need them later, I can take them out and continue reading. Of course, public account articles can also be imported into WeChat Reading, but many people read it later = read it never.

  • There are two sections in Golden Horse about borrowing money. They are quite funny. Sometimes you can’t imagine the way some people think. You can read the original text.

  • I found that the reviews for the third and fourth weeks of this month have not been sorted out yet. I have to finish this in the next two days and review it myself.