[BIS Innovation Head: Whether you like cryptocurrency or not, central banks need to be prepared] Golden Finance reported that Cecilia Skingsley, head of the Bank for International Settlements Innovation Center, said at the New York Fed Fintech Conference: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Assets held in Manhattan on Friday that the Bank for International Settlements knows that it must stay ahead, which means getting its hands dirty. The mission of the Innovation Center is to study and investigate how new technologies, including cryptocurrencies, change the way central banks operate. Skingsley said that the Bank for International Settlements knows that it cannot ignore the field of digital assets. The experience of Libra in 2019 and everything that happened afterwards really made everyone realize that there are too many things happening in the technology field that we cannot ignore. Regardless, central banks need to be prepared. If the future is tokenized, what does this mean for central banks if we want a future with tokenized assets on a large scale? What kind of infrastructure do you have to have? In the latest report from the Bank for International Settlements, researchers found that tokenization has great potential to improve the efficiency and transparency of financial markets. However, the report added that cryptocurrencies themselves have not yet proven their value.