[US federal judge: SBF cannot accuse law firm lawyers of their role in opening statements] Golden Finance reported that Lewis Kaplan, the federal judge overseeing the SBF case, said on Sunday that Sam Bankman-Fried's defense team could not emphasize the role of lawyers from Fenwick & West in its opening statements, but could still try to raise a "lawyer's advice" defense later in the trial. Bankman-Fried's defense team told the Justice Department and the court earlier this year that he intended to argue that FTX lawyers were "involved" in certain decisions made by the company. But Lewis Kaplan wrote in an order issued on Sunday that this argument, which lacks specific details, could confuse or bias the jury. Although Sam Bankman-Fried prevented the defense team from mentioning outside lawyers in its opening statements, Sam Bankman-Fried's lawyers could try to raise the issue later without the presence of jurors if they first notify the judge and the Justice Department.