Let's talk about the reasons for adding 304,356,993,8624 today and expecting it to increase fivefold.

First, let's talk about the market value. The total circulating market value of PEOPLE is only 600 million now. If you have time, you can check the median market value of memes in the last bull market. Although I don't have specific data, 600 million times 5 is 3 billion, which is absolutely reasonable. Just like Pepe, the market value is now 5 billion, will it stop rising?

Let's talk about consensus. Consensus is something that is strong or weak, and it is cyclical. But in the next 6 months, PEOPLE and the US Constitution, a hot spot for hype, will definitely be one of the main themes of the market. If you are the main force, will you miss this once-in-four-year opportunity?

There is also the technical aspect. Now most altcoins have pulled back by 15-20%, but PEOPLE's trend is stronger than BTC. In my technical analysis, it didn't even touch the middle track. This trend is really terrifying.

I heard that there is a big investor Zhang Wuji who holds 100 million PEOPLE. How could the main force not know this kind of news? Since they knew it, the 100 million circulation volume has been taken into account by them, which is equivalent to locking the position in disguise, which is definitely a big benefit.