A bathhouse in Brooklyn posted a video on Instagram on June 21 of how it uses excess heat generated from Bitcoin mining to heat its pools. BathHouse described three steps:

  1. Step 1. BathHouse uses electricity to generate computing power and mine Bitcoin. This process causes the mining equipment to become very hot and thus generates heat as a by-product.

  2. Step 2. The generated heat is sent to heat exchangers to heat the pools.

  3. Step 3: The pools absorb heat and send cold water back into the mining process. The process is repeated.

This is how BathHouse supports the Bitcoin network and heats its swimming pools.

User reactions are mixed

This approach will obviously be received positively by the majority of crypto users, however, there were also dissatisfied ones among BathHouse’s followers on Instagram. An example of one of the comments:

“It makes me like the bathhouse less. Now I am concerned about who is mining this cryptocurrency and profiting from it. We need more transparency."

It is noteworthy that the negative comments received a large number of likes, meaning many other users share their dissatisfaction. But there are also many positive comments, including some that explain the benefits of using heat from mining to heat swimming pools.

“People in the comments are completely unaware. 1. Electricity is used to heat swimming pools. 2. Mining allows you to subsidize heating costs by heating swimming pools using waste heat. Bitcoin mining is a clear ally on the path to a more efficient and sustainable energy future,” wrote one user.