$ULTI A prosperous age is coming, enjoy wealth and honor!

Based on compliance considerations, in order to meet the requirements of major exchanges to the greatest extent possible, we grandly launch the Chips NFT series (similar to the public IDO format), from silver to gold, surpassing collectibles.

By burning Gold Chip NFT, you can start receiving linearly released token airdrops every month after TGE (token issuance).

Mint (casting) details:

Casting date: late April

Mint price: To be announced

Total gold chip NFT supply: 6,000

Blockchain: Ethereum (ETH)

All gold chip casting quotas are similar to the guaranteed whitelist, and you can directly obtain the qualification to cast gold chip NFT. The silver chip is similar to a lucky whitelist. If you hold a silver chip, you are eligible to draw a gold chip NFT.

Casting structure:

Phase 1 Silver Chip Whitelist (Lucky Draw): Each silver chip quota provides one opportunity to participate in the gold chip NFT lottery. To participate, deposit ETH equal to the NFT mint price to ensure you are entered into the draw.

Phase 2 Gold Chip Whitelist (Guaranteed): Each Gold Chip Whitelist guarantees the distribution of NFT. To secure your allocation, deposit ETH equal to the NFT minting price. After the minting phase is over, you will be able to claim the NFT.

Phase 3 - Public (Lottery): At this stage, anyone can participate in the lottery by depositing ETH and have a chance to win gold chip NFT. This phase includes the reserved gold chip NFT supply and any remaining unminted gold chip NFT supply from previous phases.

Phase 4 - Claims and Refunds: All participants who won the draw or made a deposit during the Gold Chip Whitelist Phase will be able to claim their Gold Chip NFT, and non-winning participants will be refunded.

There are several ways to obtain Gold and Silver Chips, including:

1. Own Dianyang NFT (based on pledge level)

2. Virtual Girlfriend NFT (snapshot)

3. Participate in Ulti-Pilot activities

4. Draws from our partners

5. Win our community events

Please note that the snapshot of the Virtual Girlfriend NFT has been taken.

If you hold an Electric Sheep NFT, you'll have a good chance of winning gold and silver chips from the weekly competitive supply box. The last supply boxes will be sent out on April 15th. We strongly recommend that you open all your containers immediately at https://es.ultiverse.io/chip as they will no longer be available after April 19th.

Remember, holding Dianyang NFT will also bring you a large number of token airdrops on TGE.

The above is the official information. I will interpret this event. It is purely my personal understanding. Please forgive me if there are any mistakes!

1. This event is somewhat similar to public offering (IDO), which is to take out some chips to give back to the community and players, and also to meet the requirements of major exchanges to the greatest extent.

2. The amount of ULTI tokens to be distributed in this event currently needs to be announced by the project team. However, the ULTI tokens in this event are not divided from the 8% airdrop share, so it will not affect the previous airdrop plan. 8% of the tokens will be allocated to Electric Sheep NFT holders, Virtual Girlfriend NFT holders, SOUL soul holders (100:1), SDK ecosystem project NFT holders (pet game Meta Merge Pets, Cricket Game CricketFly Genesis Pass, billiards game Cyber8Ball Cue NFT, racing game BAC Genesis Runner, Yuliverse NFT, etc.). This means that all ecological participants in the Ultiverse project will share the airdrop benefits. As for the airdrop allocation ratio and whether to lock up, the specific details of the project will need to be announced.​

3. The gold chips currently produced on the market are produced by the blind box opening activities of Dianyang NFT holders. The event time is from February 18th to April 19th. The blind boxes can be opened at 22:00 every Monday. , Dianyang NFT holders can issue gold chips, silver chips and SOUL. Based on the current unboxing results, this Dianyang NFT blind box opening event may issue about 1,000 gold chips and about 10,000. The number of silver chips and SOUL varies; (Users have unopened blind boxes, and the unopened blind boxes as of April 19 will be invalid)

4. For the silver chips currently produced in the market, the blind box opening activity of Dian Yang NFT holders may produce about 10,000 silver chips, and there are also silver chips distributed by Dian Yang NFT holders. Level 4 electric sheep can get 4 silver chips, level 3 electric sheep can get 3 silver chips, level 2 electric sheep can get 2 silver chips, and level 1 electric sheep can get 1 silver chip. There are 22,700 virtual girlfriends on the market. NFT can hold 22,700 silver chips. The silver chips of Virtual Girlfriend NFT have been snapshotted, and players do not need to do any operations. After the blind box opening event, through calculation, there should be more than 50,000 silver chips and about 1,000 gold chips on the market. chip.

5. The project team will give out thousands of gold chip NFT shares to the more than 50,000 silver chip users for lottery. The winning rate may be between 5% and 15%. It depends on how much the project team will give out. Gold Chip NFT gives Silver Chip users a lottery draw.

6. The project party will take out part of the gold chip NFT to participate in activities on the Pilot platform, and give part of the gold chip NFT to partners for draws;

7. The project team will take out some gold chip NFTs for users who pledge ETH to participate in the lottery. Anyone can participate. The specific number will be announced by the project team in detail;

8. Players who hold silver chips need to deposit part of ETH into the minted wallet. The amount of ETH can be calculated based on the number of gold chip NFTs allocated to the silver chip player. If 2,500 gold chips are allocated to the silver chip player, If the player has 100 silver chips and the cost of casting gold chips is assumed to be 0.1 ETH, then the player can deposit more than 0.5 ETH, preferably a little more, to prevent his luck from running out.

9. Players who hold gold chips can deposit as much ETH as they have based on the unit price of casting. The casting rate is 100%.

10. All ETH that has not been won or used will be returned after the minting activity is over;

11. This event is similar to a public IDO. After the gold chip NFT is successfully minted, the project token ULTI will be listed on the exchange, and the gold chip NFT can be destroyed to obtain the released tokens linearly;

12. This event is another benefit for community players. Electric Sheep NFT is a pure golden shovel with strong empowerment. We also hope that all players can vigorously promote the Ultiverse project and let us take off together.

Believe in the power of belief, and you will definitely win if you persist!