According to PANews, Inferno Drainer, a multi-chain scam service provider, has announced its return to public operations. The announcement comes after more than six months of private operations. The company claims to have new employees, new ways of working, new support, and new features. During its private operations, it reportedly stole $125 million from its customers, bringing its total stolen amount to over $250 million. Inferno Drainer had previously announced its closure in November last year, claiming that it had stolen over $80 million.

Web3 security researcher @Plumferno shared a screenshot of the announcement on platform X. He commented, 'This is not good news, in case anyone is unaware... (Yes, I know they never really closed, so I know many people will not be surprised by this).' Web3 anti-scam platform Scam Sniffer commented, 'This also explains why the use of Inferno's phishing websites has recently surged after the hacker scam gang Pink Drainer announced its withdrawal.'