According to Foresight News, Starknet has announced the first batch of projects selected for its Seed Grant Program. The projects include blockchain game developer Underware, on-chain game ML Village, online collectibles trading market Thunder, hybrid on-chain/off-chain limit order book DEX LayerAkire, online role-playing game Starkane, decentralized game server Primis Protocol, AI interactive game Tale Weaver, DeFi yield aggregator STRKFarm, compliant fundraising protocol Kamea Labs, decentralized non-custodial prize savings protocol Bountive, Cairo learning protocol CodeJam, open-source wallet Cypherock, AMM protocol BrownFi, on-chain text adventure protocol The O'Rugging Trail, fixed income market Lila Finance, on-chain game Grugs Lair, Web3 game dashboard Wendash Analytics, toolkit focusing on finance, identity, and governance Coordination Stack, on-chain shooting game StarkShoot, and payment gateway Inflow.

Previously, the Starknet Foundation announced the launch of the Seed Grant Program, which will provide approximately $5 million in funding for its developers. The Starknet Seed Fund Program has completed a small pilot, providing a total of $500,000 in funding to 20 teams.