According to Foresight News, Ethereum's second-layer network Taiko has announced the launch of its latest testnet, Hekla, which is now open to the public. The previous testnet, Katla, will be discontinued on May 10. Hekla introduces EIP-4844 blobs, which are used to initiate compressed DA. Additionally, Hekla adjusts the L2 block Gas issuance to 60 million Gas every 12 seconds, with a limit set to 2.4 billion Gas, and makes adjustments to the EIP-1559 configuration.

Hekla also adopts the same Based Contestable Rollup (BCR) mechanism as Katla, which Taiko will use to launch on the mainnet. Users can normally exchange, use DApp to deploy contracts, run nodes, propose, and prove blocks.

Taiko stated that Katla was originally the last testnet before the mainnet launch, but Hekla allows for thorough testing of the aforementioned additional features and improvements.