According to an official announcement: Binance is introducing its first Binance Megadrop project, BounceBit (BB), a BTC restaking chain. Participation in the BounceBit Megadrop begins from 2024-04-26 00:00:00 (UTC). The BounceBit Megadrop page is projected to be accessible on the Binance App within the next five hours.

BounceBit (BB) will be listed on Binance at 2024-05-13 10:00 (UTC) with BB/BTC, BB/USDT, BB/BNB, BB/FDUSD, and BB/TRY trading pairs. Further details about BounceBit (BB) can be found in our research report.

Key details related to BounceBit Megadrop:

• BounceBit Megadrop Period: From 2024-04-26 00:00:00 (UTC) to 2024-05-12 23:59:59 (UTC).
• BNB Locked Products Snapshot Period: Users are encouraged to lock their BNB in BNB Locked Products before the start of the event to maximize their Locked BNB Scores.
• Web3 Quest Period: Users can aim to complete the Web3 Quest(s) within this period.
Rewards Distribution: Participants can check their Megadrop rewards in their Binance Spot Wallet.