Yesterday, the team analyzed the strong pressure level of #BTC at 27,800. In the afternoon, it suddenly broke through 27,800 without any signs and reached 28,000. Checking the chain data, news, funds, etc., there was no movement to go up. This is a dangerous signal. After discussion, we started to reduce positions. Everyone knows what happened in the evening. All short-term positions were cleared. Now we are observing the whole line. According to the previous data, within 10 minutes of the fake news coming out, nearly 100 million US dollars were liquidated in the market, 72 million US dollars of short positions were liquidated, and 26 million US dollars of long positions were liquidated. One day in the cryptocurrency circle is like ten years in the human world!

What will happen in the future? The data shows that the fake news is clearly exploding short orders, with a ratio of 3:1. There are too many short orders, and the breakthrough without signs is a sign that this situation will occur. The main purpose of the rise is to explode short orders. The purpose of exploding short orders is definitely to prepare for the subsequent sharp drop, otherwise the dealer will lose money if the market crashes the market, because there are too many short orders. It is obviously fake news. The price of BTC should rise and then fall back to the level before the start, but why is it still rising and rising to 28,500? Because the dealer will give everyone a false impression that it will rise. After all, the SEC will not appeal. Grayscale has begun to propose to apply for BTC spot ETF, GBTC to ETF, which is good news. Everyone will enter slowly. The number of people opening short orders will be less than the number of long orders. When it reaches a certain critical point, it will go down. The market did not react too much to the news of Grayscale, which reflected from the side that capital is not optimistic about this good news, but retail investors will be happy, at least they will not use EFT spot in the near future. Some people who want to cut leeks take advantage of this news and go with the trend. Fake news has come out! BTC rose and fell last night, but the altcoins basically did not follow, which also shows that the major market makers have long known about the fake news and are not moving. They are just watching the performance of BTC!

Let me talk about fake news in depth. As a global head media, #Cointelegraph and Coindesk are both top media in the global currency circle, known for their objectivity and fairness, so I never read media such as Golden Finance. There are too many fake news, and they will post them for money. I really didn't expect Cointelegraph to do such a drama. At the same time, it responded that everyone was investigating the matter. The result was that the intern had a problem and had been fired! The United States will also use the Chinese routine to use temporary workers to take the blame! Let me ask you, when the official Twitter sends information, is there no internal review? An intern did it? There are also rumors that the intern made 100 times! Personally, I guess this is a premeditated conspiracy. The false breakthrough of 27,800 to 28,000 is already a sign. False news is released to pull up and explode short orders, find someone to take the blame, pretend to trap people upward, and then fall down and wait for institutions to collect chips at the bottom price. It is a perfect set of dramas to harvest retail investors!

Summary: After rising in the future market, it will fall again, at 28500, 29050. If this decline is accompanied by interest rate hikes and institutional entry, plus a black swan (very likely in the defi diffraction product RWA, two RWA companies have recently decoupled their stablecoins!), 20000-25000 will be seen. As for 15000 BTC, it depends on market sentiment.

Share: There are definitely fake news. You must verify important news yourself. Previously, Blockrock applied for an ETF and the media reported that the SEC reviewed the ETF, and the market rose! Go to the official website and see that the SEC has accepted the ETF. These are two completely different concepts! Not doing the contract will not have much impact.

Off topic: A friend asked me to recommend a coin, but since I am not optimistic about the future market, I would like to mention it for your reference only:

#SUI 1.05 million USD has been invested in supporting the development of the ecosystem. This is a good direction. Recently, various indicators of Sui have also been rising. If it falls to a relatively low point, you can pay attention and enter slowly, but don't go all in. The capital profit margin is still more than 10 times. Be cautious!

The FTX bond settlement is a great signal and paves the way for the FTX auction to restart. #FTT Bullish.

#WLD Sell the profitable ones slowly. As 10.23 approaches, market makers are already buying tokens to fulfill their contracts.