1⃣️ The police cyber unit "Lahav-433" cooperated with intelligence agencies and froze Hama's cryptocurrency accounts used for fundraising on social media, including an account at the British bank Barclays.
2⃣️ Hong Kong police have issued a warning about scammers impersonating Binance and sending phishing messages that can kidnap Binance accounts. Within two weeks, 11 cases involving a total amount of HK$3.5 million (approximately US$450,000) were received.
3⃣️ China’s official newspaper China Daily plans to build an NFT platform and metaverse. They provided 2.8 million yuan (approximately $390,000) to a third-party contractor to design the platform, hoping to promote Chinese civilization through the Metaverse, VR, AR and blockchain technology. China Daily also plans to partner with other NFT platforms such as OpenSea and Rarible to issue digital collections.
4⃣️ Fidelity, which manages $450 trillion in assets, reiterated that Bitcoin is the safest and most decentralized cryptocurrency compared to other cryptocurrencies. The report highlights Bitcoin’s role as a cryptocurrency and secure store of value. The report highlights Bitcoin’s security, decentralization and robustness, making it stand out in the cryptocurrency space.