CoinVoice has recently learned that on October 7, Christine Kim, vice president of Galaxy Research, published a summary of the 119th Ethereum Core Developer Consensus Conference (ACDC). This meeting mainly discussed the Cancun/Deneb test, including the status and health of the latest developer-centric test network Devnet-9, and the launch time of Devnet-10. Developers will re-evaluate the testing progress of the Cancun/Deneb upgrade during the next ACD conference call and re-discuss the testing schedule.

In addition, she said that regarding the launch time of Devnet-10, not all developers are confident that the next devnet can be launched in the next two weeks, especially considering that the customer team is still discovering and resolving errors on Devnet-9; not all developers participating in the conference call are confident that they will upgrade the public Ethereum testnet Goerli before the start of Devconnect in mid-November. [Original link]