Terra Luna Classic v2.3.2 is live

The Terra Classic upgrade to deploy the terrad v2.3.2 client was run in block 15751600 on December 8 at 12:38 UTC. Lead developer L1TF changed the proposal for an update to allow validators and node operators to implement changes as the chain breaks automatically.

The Terra Luna Classic community approved Proposal 11890 “Upgrade to v2.3.2 (Resolving Sequence Incompatibility Issues)” last week. The proposal received great support from the community, with 99.99% voting “Yes”. Among the 66 validators who participated, all voted “Yes”. This includes top validators including Allnodes, Interstellar Lounge, Interstake One, StakeBin, JESUSisLORD and others.

Meanwhile, L1TF developer Vinh Nguyen announced on Thursday the formation of the Terra Classic Coalition group to contribute to the development of the Terra Classic chain according to the pay-for-work model. It is a group made up of key community members including Vinh, former L1TF developer Fragwuerdig, L1TF developer Gevik, developer StrathCole, and validator and creator Happy Catty Crypto.