According to Odaily, digital asset custody solution provider Cobo has announced the integration of the Babylon protocol, a Bitcoin native staking infrastructure. This integration has been implemented in its MPC custody wallet, which now features a Babylon-based BTC Staking API.

Users of Cobo's MPC can quickly access Babylon Staking through the Babylon Staking API. This API supports various functions, including transaction construction, pre-signing of transactions, and RBF, as well as transaction queries. The integration of the Babylon protocol into Cobo's services represents a significant step in enhancing the capabilities of its digital asset custody solutions.

The Babylon protocol is a Bitcoin native staking infrastructure that allows users to stake their Bitcoin and earn rewards. By integrating this protocol, Cobo is providing its users with an efficient and secure way to stake their Bitcoin. This move is expected to attract more users to its platform and further solidify its position in the digital asset custody market.