According to Foresight News, Emin Gün Sirer, the founder and CEO of Ava Labs, has announced that Avalanche will undergo significant upgrades this year. These upgrades include the introduction of HyperSDK, a single instruction blockchain startup tool, decoupling SMR with over 100,000 TPS, multi-dimensional costs (cost isolation), and ACP77, a sovereign blockchain that upgrades the 'merger' of subnets.

The CEO's announcement indicates a strategic move to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the Avalanche platform. The introduction of HyperSDK, a single instruction blockchain startup tool, is expected to simplify the process of launching blockchain projects on the platform.

The decoupling of SMR, with a capacity of over 100,000 transactions per second (TPS), is another significant upgrade. This enhancement is expected to improve the platform's transaction processing speed, thereby increasing its overall performance.

The implementation of multi-dimensional costs, also known as cost isolation, is another feature to look forward to. This upgrade is expected to provide a more efficient cost management system for users of the platform.

Lastly, the introduction of ACP77, a sovereign blockchain, is expected to upgrade the 'merger' of subnets, further enhancing the platform's functionality.

These upgrades are part of Ava Labs' ongoing efforts to improve the Avalanche platform's performance and user experience. The company's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation is evident in these planned upgrades.