According to Odaily, the decentralized cross-chain liquidity protocol, Swing, has announced its integration with the dYdX Chain. This integration allows users to conduct a variety of EVM token to USDC swap transactions on the dYdX Chain. In addition, the Web3 team and developers can now start building cross-chain dApps on dYdX.

The integration of Swing with dYdX Chain marks a significant step in the expansion of decentralized finance (DeFi) capabilities. It provides users with more flexibility and options for conducting transactions, particularly those involving EVM tokens and USDC. This move is expected to enhance the overall user experience and efficiency of transactions on the platform.

Furthermore, the integration also opens up new opportunities for the Web3 team and developers. They can now leverage the combined capabilities of Swing and dYdX Chain to build and deploy cross-chain dApps. This could potentially lead to the development of more innovative and user-friendly applications in the DeFi space.