According to Odaily, the Lido community has initiated voting for the 'Lido Alliance: Ethereum Alliance Ecosystem' proposal. The voting is set to conclude on May 24. The proposal outlines that the Lido Alliance is a framework of Lido DAO, providing support and recognition for the protocol. It is equally focused on smart contract and product safety, and it commits to decentralized Ethereum verification without any restrictions.

The Lido Alliance relies on the yet-to-be-established Lido DAO governance process. This process is designed to identify and recognize projects that share its values and mission and can actively contribute to the stETH ecosystem. The proposal calls for the creation of a dedicated Lido contributor alliance working group. The purpose of this working group is to assess potential new alliance members, guide them through the DAO governance process, and help them understand potential alliance and product development possibilities.

The decision to join or leave the Lido Alliance is determined by the DAO through Snapshot voting. This initiative is a significant step towards enhancing the Ethereum ecosystem and promoting decentralized governance.