According to Odaily, Infinex, a decentralized perpetual contract trading platform launched by Synthetix, has announced its support for Solana. The announcement was made on the X platform, where Infinex Account confirmed the integration of Solana into its system.

In addition to this development, the official website of Infinex has reported that since its launch, the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the platform has reached 70,643,534.47 USDC. This indicates a significant amount of assets being held in the platform, demonstrating the trust and confidence users have in Infinex's services.

The support for Solana by Infinex is a significant development in the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Solana is a high-performance blockchain that supports fast, secure, and scalable decentralized apps and crypto-currencies. Its integration into Infinex's platform will likely enhance the platform's performance and user experience.

This news comes as the latest in a series of developments in the DeFi sector, which continues to evolve and expand, offering new opportunities and challenges for traders and investors alike. The integration of Solana into Infinex's platform is a clear indication of the platform's commitment to providing its users with the most advanced and efficient trading tools and services.