The Department of Justice (DOJ) has confirmed its plan to summon former FTX clients, investors, and staff as witnesses in the upcoming trial involving Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX.

In a letter motion submitted on September 30, the DOJ outlined its intention to call witnesses who can shed light on FTX’s handling of customer assets.

These testimonies aim to provide insights into the interactions between the accused and the witnesses and to gauge the witnesses’ understanding of Bankman-Fried’s statements and actions, particularly concerning FTX’s asset management.

The DOJ seeks to emphasize the experiences of both retail and institutional clients who entrusted substantial assets to FTX with the belief that their assets would be securely safeguarded.

However, a complication has arisen regarding one of the DOJ’s witnesses, identified as “FTX Customer-1,” who resides in Ukraine.

Given the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, the prospect of traveling to the U.S. to testify poses significant challenges.

To address this, the DOJ has proposed using video conferencing as a viable alternative, although Bankman-Fried’s defense has not yet approved this proposal.

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Meanwhile, Bankman-Fried’s legal team, led by attorney Mark Cohen, has raised concerns about the jury questions presented by the DOJ.

Bankman-Fried’s defense argues that these inquiries could imply guilt on his part, potentially undermining the fundamental principle of “innocent until proven guilty.”

Furthermore, they assert that these questions may not effectively uncover potential biases among jurors, particularly concerning their familiarity with cryptocurrencies.

Specific questions could inadvertently influence the jury’s perspective rather than eliciting genuine insights, potentially compromising the trial’s impartiality.

As the jury selection is scheduled to commence on October 3, followed closely by the trial, all eyes are on this high-stakes legal showdown.

The proceedings will not only scrutinize the actions of Sam Bankman-Fried but also the integrity of the legal process itself, as both the prosecution and defense grapple with issues related to witness testimony and jury questions.

The outcome of this trial is eagerly anticipated by the cryptocurrency community and the broader financial industry.

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