21st BNB Burn
BNB Chain has completed its 21st BNB burn and last quarterly burn of 2022. The burn includes the Auto-Burn feature, Pioneer Burn Program, and a portion of gas fees burned in every transaction.
Here are the facts and figures from our latest burn:
Total BNB burned: 2,065,152.42 BNB
Approximate value in USD: ~$574,800,583.92 USD
Transaction ID (TXID) for BNB burn: View transaction
BNB burned from the Pioneer Burn Program: 4,833.25 BNB
What You Need to Know About the BNB Burn
Since the launch of BNB and Binance in 2017, we're committed to removing 100 million BNB, or half of the total supply, from circulation, through a burning process. The number of tokens removed is automatically calculated according to the Auto-Burn formula. This burn mechanism was introduced in the last quarter of 2021.
The BNB Auto-Burn provides an independently auditable, objective process independent of the Binance centralized exchange. On top of that, BNB Chain still continues to burn a portion of BNB Chain’s gas fees in real time.
You can find the real-time BNB burning information on bnbburn.info, a third-party website built by the BNB community.