International Women's Day - 2022


The women of Binance Australia take a moment of reflection to state what International Women's Day means to us. 

2021 was a year where women in Australia came out in force, we went to the streets, we marched to parliament, we listened to each other's stories, and our small whispers became a deafening roar across the country. One in every five women will be sexually assaulted or raped in their lifetime. If you are a first nations woman, a woman of colour, a woman with a disability or queer; these statistics are significantly worse. Trust us when we say, we don’t want to be here, writing a blog, partitioning on the streets or fighting for equality. But we have to be here. We know that it can be uncomfortable for those who do not identify as women - trust us, we are uncomfortable too but please, take a moment to read on. 

This year's theme of #breakthebias is a reminder that we must examine ourselves. Our biases are ingrained into us, at home, in the workplace and in our governments. “As women, we are frequently reminded of the disparity that exists as we simply live our lives each day.” Maybe it’s a sly comment, an assumption made, or an uncomfortable moment. “I remembered one interview I had with a previous company and I was asked “how would you balance work and family?”. I very much doubt if the same question would have been asked to a male candidate”. 

We feel these differences. We feel it when we hold our keys in our hands to walk home, we feel it when we are alone at the train station, we feel it when we cover our hands over our drinks in a bar. We have become so used to these moments that we accepted it. As women, we held a bias against ourselves. “I love the theme this year as I think it is incredibly important for all of us to confront our biases, to be open to sitting in discomfort and show vulnerability. It is equally important to speak out and call out so that we can collectively unlearn”. It’s not just men or those who do not identify as women that must face their biases, it is women too. 

And the truth is, we need you. This day is not just for women, it is for all of us.  “I have been sexually assaulted at work, I have been put down by older women and I have had incredible male executives who have supported me throughout my entire career”. Our world is complex, humans are messy, but we must be willing to untangle and relearn. We must remain open. 

We are here, showing up, ready to celebrate with you. To celebrate our differences, together, not apart. “In a workplace like Binance Australia, we are all about breaking away from the unwanted systems, rules and concepts, we are not afraid to do things differently to achieve a healthy and sustainable community we all deserve”. 

So we are asking, stand with us. Fight with us. Fight for safety, respect and equality. Because we cannot do this alone. 

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