Binance Australia Easter Giveaway: We're giving away 3 x limited edition NFTs!


Happy Easter from the Binance Australia team! 

To celebrate the Easter holidays, we’re giving away 3 x limited edition NFTs: exclusive Binance Australia Golden Eggs!

Check out the exclusive Golden Egg NFT here!

Participants who complete all the following tasks on Gleam will be entered into the draw:

  1. Follow our Facebook page

  2. Follow us on Twitter

  3. Subscribe to Binance Australia’s YouTube channel

  4. Join our Telegram community

  5. Follow us on Instagram 

3 winners will be announced on 7 April 2021, 10:00 AM (AEDT) on our Facebook page and across Binance Australia’s official social media pages.

Enter the draw for a chance to win an exclusive NFT now! 

NOTE: You must use a BEP-721 compatible wallet in order to receive the NFT. We recommend using Trust Wallet. Download Trust Wallet here and learn how to create a wallet with Trust here.

Activity Period: 2/4/2021 10:00 AM (AEDT) - 5/4/2021 23:59 PM (AEDT) 

*To be eligible, participants must be residing in Australia and have completed all tasks during the activity period. Binance reserves the right to cancel or amend any Activity or Activity Rules at our sole discretion.

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