🎥 WATCH: Inflation, US Macro Environment, and Crypto Capitulation | November Market Update


Charis drops our Market Update, and WOW… November was a crazy month for crypto!

After a few weeks on the road, Charis checks in with our November Market Update and a straightforward explanation of the macro market factors driving crypto right now. Get the scoop on Aussie inflation, US market conflict, whether we’re likely to see a recession in 2023 and other important news from crypto markets in the month that was.

📈 Is inflation still too high in Australia?

📈 Is the yield curve signalling a recession?

📈 Have we seen capitulation in crypto yet?

📈 What’s happening with the BTC price?

📈 Other adoption news!

Watch November Market Update on the Binance Australia YouTube Channel!

Inflation, US Macro Environment, and Crypto Capitulation | November Market Update

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