Bitcoin Layer 2 solution Bitlayer issued a security warning on the social media platform X, advising its users to be cautious of phishing links circulated by unauthorized accounts. In the post, the project stressed that users should refrain from clicking on suspicious links, sharing any personal or financial information, or connecting their cryptocurrency wallets. If users encounter such accounts, they should report them immediately to help ensure the community’s safety, Bitlayer added.

It is reported that Bitlayer previously published a post announcing the “first phase of token distribution.” Currently, all unrelated new tweets have been deleted. It is unclear if the official Bitlayer X account is experiencing a struggle for control.

Bitlayer is a protocol based on the BitVM paradigm, offering Bitcoin-equivalent security and Turing-completeness. Recently, the project launched the Ready Player One program, aiming to reward teams that register and actively contribute to building the Bitlayer ecosystem. The total value of rewards for the first phase of this initiative exceeds $50 million.

Alert: Unauthorized Twitter account sharing phishing links.This is one and only official website: vigilant, don't engage with these links, never share personal or financial details, and never connect your wallet.If you find such accounts, report to…

— Bitlayer (@BitlayerLabs) May 14, 2024

SharkTeam Reports 93 Phishing Attacks In Q1 2024, Resulting In Losses Of $68.66M 

According to a report by Web3 security service provider SharkTeam, malicious activities such as hacking attacks, rugpull scams, and phishing attacks resulted in a total loss of $462 million in the first quarter of 2024. This represents an increase of approximately 20.63% compared to the $383 million lost in the first quarter of 2023.

A total of 93 phishing attacks took place in Q1, marking a significant increase compared to the previous year. These attacks resulted in losses of approximately $68.66 million, accounting for about 15% of the total losses. During the bull market it is crucial to carefully verify transaction information when transferring and authorizing to avoid falling victim to such attacks.

Recently, Meson Finance, a cross-chain bridge, encountered an incident in which it had to remove a phishing tweet from its social media X feed, which was posted earlier. The project subsequently clarified that the issue originated from a third-party application programming interface (API) rather than a direct attack on its account.

The post Bitlayer’s X Account Suspected Of Being Under Attack, Users Advised To Be Wary Of Phishing Links appeared first on Metaverse Post.