According to Odaily, Su Zhu has publicly announced his purchase of Bittensor (TAO) at a price of $469 per unit. Despite admitting a lack of comprehensive understanding of the project, Zhu expressed his appreciation for its performance trend. At the time of the announcement, the current market price for TAO was reported to be $467 USDT.

Zhu's investment in Bittensor, despite his limited knowledge about the project, indicates a level of confidence in the cryptocurrency's potential. This move could potentially influence other investors to consider Bittensor as a viable investment option. However, it is important for potential investors to conduct their own research and understand the risks involved in cryptocurrency investments.

The price of Bittensor at the time of Zhu's purchase and the current market price suggests a slight decrease. However, the volatility of the cryptocurrency market means that prices can fluctuate rapidly. Investors should be prepared for potential losses as well as gains when investing in cryptocurrencies.