According to PANews, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin is set to appear at the '2024 Hong Kong Web3 Carnival' on April 9. Buterin will deliver a keynote speech titled 'Reaching the Limits of Protocol Design' at 10:15 am at the second venue. Later in the day, at 1:45 pm, he will share insights on 'Building on Ethereum in the 2020s' at the main venue.

The event will be broadcast live, allowing attendees and those interested in the topics to tune in and gain insights from one of the leading figures in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry. Buterin's presence at the event is expected to draw significant attention, given his influential role in the development and growth of Ethereum, one of the world's leading cryptocurrencies.

His keynote speech, 'Reaching the Limits of Protocol Design', is anticipated to delve into the complexities and challenges of protocol design in the blockchain space. The follow-up session, 'Building on Ethereum in the 2020s', will likely explore the future of Ethereum and its potential developments in the coming decade. Both sessions promise to provide valuable insights for those interested in blockchain technology and the future of cryptocurrencies.