11.14 Market Analysis

BTC rose to the high of 37464 in the morning, and then began to retreat. There was no rebound in the evening, but a slight retracement. The day was also to seize the opportunity to make a few waves. The layout point of Ethereum came to the target point as scheduled in the evening. The control was accurate. The current price is stable at around 36300.

From a technical structure point of view, the downward spike in the evening touched the low of 36220, and the current short-term correction. It does not have much impact on the overall trend. After the downward spike, there was no stabilization. Instead, there was a rebound, indicating that the downside was only a false break, and the current support was formed. The current volume of the head has been reduced, and all technical indicators have signs of turning upward. Continue to keep low and long during the day.

BTC: Go long near 36050, target 36800-37000

Defense: 35550

Ethereum: Go long near 2030, target 2080-2100-2130

Defense: 1980.