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What is Shentu Chain? Shentu Chain, a security-priority authorized proof-of-stake blockchain for reliable execution of mission-critical applications including DeFi, NFTs and autonomous vehicles. Shentu Chain has full EVM and Hyperledger Burrow compatibility. #Shentu #BTC #BNB
What is Shentu Chain?
Shentu Chain, a security-priority authorized proof-of-stake blockchain for reliable execution of mission-critical applications including DeFi, NFTs and autonomous vehicles. Shentu Chain has full EVM and Hyperledger Burrow compatibility.
#Shentu #BTC #BNB

Quick Read on what’s OpenBounty All about on Shentu Chain! OpenBounty in Shentu Chain is a Web3-based open-source bug bounty platform that connects white hat hackers and Web3 projects. It aims to improve the security of the decentralized ecosystem by incentivizing ethical hacking and providing a transparent and tamper-proof environment for bug bounty programs. The OpenBounty platform is a part of the comprehensive security ecosystem offered by Shentu Chain. It serves as a preventive measure in the security cycle, ensuring that projects can address vulnerabilities and bugs before they become major issues. By utilizing blockchain technology on the Shentu Chain, OpenBounty ensures permanent records of project vulnerabilities and bug reports. This provides transparency and fosters collaboration between white hat hackers and Web3 protocols. In conclusion, OpenBounty in Shentu Chain is a game-changing initiative in the Web3 security space. By offering an open-source bug bounty platform, it not only addresses current security challenges but also contributes to the economic and network effects within the broader Web3 landscape. #ShentuChain #Shentu #CTK #hackers #Write2Earn $CTK
Quick Read on what’s OpenBounty All about on Shentu Chain!

OpenBounty in Shentu Chain is a Web3-based open-source bug bounty platform that connects white hat hackers and Web3 projects. It aims to improve the security of the decentralized ecosystem by incentivizing ethical hacking and providing a transparent and tamper-proof environment for bug bounty programs.

The OpenBounty platform is a part of the comprehensive security ecosystem offered by Shentu Chain. It serves as a preventive measure in the security cycle, ensuring that projects can address vulnerabilities and bugs before they become major issues.

By utilizing blockchain technology on the Shentu Chain, OpenBounty ensures permanent records of project vulnerabilities and bug reports. This provides transparency and fosters collaboration between white hat hackers and Web3 protocols.

In conclusion, OpenBounty in Shentu Chain is a game-changing initiative in the Web3 security space. By offering an open-source bug bounty platform, it not only addresses current security challenges but also contributes to the economic and network effects within the broader Web3 landscape.

#ShentuChain #Shentu #CTK #hackers #Write2Earn

The Shentu Chain! Shentu Chain is a blockchain that is designed to be secure, decentralized, and interoperable with other blockchain ecosystems. It provides developers with the safeguards and flexibility to code with confidence - facilitating blockchain adoption for developers and large enterprises. The Shentu Chain is built on a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus protocol, which is a popular choice for its energy efficiency and scalability. This allows for faster transaction processing and lower fees compared to other consensus mechanisms like Proof-of-Work (PoW). The Shentu Chain is also compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which means that developers can easily migrate their existing Ethereum-based smart contracts to the Shentu Chain. This makes it easier for developers to build and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on the Shentu Chain. In summary, the Shentu Chain is a secure and efficient blockchain platform that is built on a DPoS consensus protocol and is compatible with the EVM, making it an attractive choice for developers and enterprises looking to build and deploy decentralized applications. #Shentu #ShentuChain #Write2Earn $CTK TG @Shentu_Chain
The Shentu Chain!

Shentu Chain is a blockchain that is designed to be secure, decentralized, and interoperable with other blockchain ecosystems. It provides developers with the safeguards and flexibility to code with confidence - facilitating blockchain adoption for developers and large enterprises.

The Shentu Chain is built on a Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DPoS) consensus protocol, which is a popular choice for its energy efficiency and scalability. This allows for faster transaction processing and lower fees compared to other consensus mechanisms like Proof-of-Work (PoW).

The Shentu Chain is also compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), which means that developers can easily migrate their existing Ethereum-based smart contracts to the Shentu Chain. This makes it easier for developers to build and deploy decentralized applications (dApps) on the Shentu Chain.

In summary, the Shentu Chain is a secure and efficient blockchain platform that is built on a DPoS consensus protocol and is compatible with the EVM, making it an attractive choice for developers and enterprises looking to build and deploy decentralized applications.

#Shentu #ShentuChain #Write2Earn
TG @Shentu_Chain