According to Foresight News, MetaPhone, a project under the TON ecosystem known as DePIN, has announced the completion of a $1 million financing round. The funding will be used to build its decentralized marketing network. JDI, a significant investor in the DePIN sector, participated in the funding round.

JDI's investments in the DePIN sector include a decentralized global WiFi network Roam, a decentralized earth observation network GEODNET, a smart city IoT MXC, a decentralized mixed reality infrastructure network DeMR, a multi-chain consumer liquidity protocol PumpX, and a shared electric vehicle charging network PowerPod. These investments demonstrate JDI's commitment to supporting decentralized networks and technologies.

This funding will enable MetaPhone to further develop its decentralized marketing network, contributing to the growth of the TON ecosystem and the broader DePIN sector. The investment by JDI and others underscores the potential of decentralized networks in various sectors, including marketing, global WiFi, earth observation, smart cities, mixed reality, consumer liquidity, and electric vehicle charging.