Ordswap, a Bitcoin Ordinals marketplace, has issued an alert to its users to retrieve their private keys after losing control of its website domain to unknown actors. Bitcoin Ordinals, unique pieces of digital artwork registered on the Bitcoin Blockchain, could be inscripted, auctioned, and traded via Ordswap.

On October 9, Ordswap warned users not to connect to its domain, saying they no longer controlled it, blaming the issue on web development and hosting firm Netlify.

The compromised website was reportedly rerouting users to a phishing link, where a prompt would ask users to connect their cryptocurrency wallet, explained by one user as a "wallet drainer," a common tool used by crypto fraudsters.

Despite the breach, an Ordswap team member claimed on the project’s Discord server that user assets haven't been impacted; however, those who engaged with the phishing site could potentially be compromised.

As an immediate response, Ordswap launched an online tool on October 10 to help MetaMask users recover their Ordswap private keys, enabling a move to other providers. At the time of writing, Ordswap's website was automatically redirecting to a competitor, RelayX.

This incident follows a similar incident late in September where Balancer, an Ethereum-based automated market maker, lost around $240,000 as a result of a DNS service provider being compromised via a social engineering attack.