Written by: veDAO Research Institute

On September 12, the blockchain wallet MetaMask launched a beta feature called Snaps, which will allow third-party developers to customize wallet features and other mechanisms, making the MetaMask wallet seamlessly used for asset operations on non-EVM blockchains. This version can be said to be another step for MetaMask to be completely free and decentralized; another noteworthy thing is that MetaMask has also begun to be compatible with non-EVM. This article will analyze the differences between EVM and non-EVM to further understand the similarities and differences between these two blockchain virtual machines.

EVM and non-EVM

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) is the first virtual machine created for the blockchain industry. It is an abstraction layer between physical machines (nodes) and smart contract code. It can isolate programs running on it from each other and from the main chain of Ethereum. In simple terms, it is a chain made by the ecosystem of Ethereum ecosystem for rapid development and iteration. This reduces the development workload and avoids starting from scratch. Each Ethereum node runs an EVM instance, and they work together to form a network or global decentralized computer. As Vitalik Buterin said, Ethereum is even called the "world computer."

The EVM is the heart and soul of the Ethereum network, and it is also the platform for smart contract deployment and execution. The physical instantiation of the EVM cannot be described in the same way as a cloud or a wave, but it does exist as an entity, maintained by thousands of connected computers running Ethereum clients. *The EVM is Turing complete, which means that if there is a question it will find the answer. Users can create smart contracts in Ethereum's programming language Solidity and send them to the EVM for interpretation and execution. In short, the benefit of the EVM is that it is easier to achieve interoperability with the Ethereum ecosystem. Inheriting existing dApps on the Ethereum chain; but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it is constrained by the Ethereum roadmap, which may interfere with the project's plan and must follow the pace of Ethereum.


Other blockchains have chosen a different path from EVM compatibility, and are called non-EVM blockchains. Non-EVM means that they are completely separated from the Ethereum ecosystem and are rebuilt by developers and project parties. This means that non-EVM is independent of the Ethereum roadmap, so it will have lower fees and faster speeds than Ethereum. However, it also faces many obstacles. Developers and users have to re-enter a new ecosystem, and the entry cost is high. Despite this, it is clear that non-EVM chains have greater room for innovation and can be completely free from the restrictions of Ethereum.

The difference between EVM and non-EVM

EVM is compatible with Ethereum, while non-EVM is incompatible with Ethereum. For example, the two are two different smartphone systems. For example, the Android system in our mobile phones is EVM, and the Apple system is non-EVM. So as long as all applications developed based on the Android system can be used on Android phones, we collectively refer to them as EVM, and software developed based on the Apple system cannot be installed and used on the Android system, we collectively refer to them as non-EVM.

The more well-known EVM chains include Ethereum, Bsc, Arbitrum, Polygon, Avalanche, etc., and non-EVM chains include Solana, Mixin, DefiChain, Osmosis, EOS, etc.

Currently, most of the top ten blockchains are compatible with EVM, and EVM is still the market leader among public chains. However, the growth rate of emerging non-EVM blockchains is also very rapid.

Functionality of EVM and non-EVM

The function of EVM and non-EVM (collectively referred to as blockchain virtual machines hereafter) is to determine and track the state of each network block. Although it sounds like a monitoring tool, it actually refers to state changes, which are the signal or cause of actions in various computer systems. For example, when something is turned on or off, activated or deactivated, sent or received, or when a file or document is moved, a state change occurs. And these state changes result in modifications to the data structures of the computing system.

The blockchain virtual machine can review changes in the state of the network and dApps, allowing the public chain and the dApps on it to work in a decentralized manner while solving problems such as network saturation or operational priority. In this way, the blockchain virtual machine allows any developer to run code in an ecosystem that does not require third-party trust, and the results of software execution and interaction are guaranteed and predictable.

EVM vs. non-EVM debate

There has long been a debate between EVM chains and non-EVM chains. Although it seems that the EVM virtual machine is the clear winner, non-EVM chains such as Solana make this battle worth watching. EVM compatibility is the first requirement for evaluating public chain platforms.

With the advantages of Ethereum, EVM-compatible public chains can quickly acquire customers and grow in the early stage, and can benefit from developer friendliness, user experience, and ecosystem incentives, but they must compete with many other chains in the Ethereum ecosystem. Non-EVM-compatible chains are more likely to develop in trending areas and niche markets where new ideas emerge. At the same time, a variety of public chains can succeed in areas such as NFT, GameFi, and payments.

In general, it is difficult to say which is better, the EVM chain or the non-EVM chain. Attracting Ethereum traffic is the fastest way for a new chain to grow, and EVM compatibility is the most convenient solution; while non-EVM chains can choose the direction of development according to demand without being constrained by the main chain.

Let’s look at their pros and cons separately to understand the reality of EVM and non-EVM.

Pros and Cons of EVM and Non-EVM


Advantages of EVM

As mentioned above when introducing EVM, since EVM enables anyone to develop decentralized applications, there are no security barriers or restrictions. EVM's scalability and the relatively simple process of migrating from the Ethereum ecosystem make it easier for users to access projects. Based on the convenience of EVM, NFT has become one of the contents that have gone viral in the crypto world.

Disadvantages of EVM

Despite being decentralized, the EVM network is not fully decentralized. The vast majority of Ethereum nodes are hosted on centralized cloud servers at Amazon Web Services. If the operators of these services decide they don’t like Ethereum for any reason, nodes could be rejected, harming the network.

When the network is congested, the gas fee will be high. This can cause serious inconvenience to Ethereum users. Although people who send large transactions may not be affected, people who send small transactions may experience network access problems for a period of time. When many users interact with DApp smart contracts and perform a large number of transactions, if the gas fee is too high, it will bring a lot of negative impact to the project.

Due to its rigid bytecode language and local functions, the EVM is too complex and does not have enough virtual machine functions to achieve security design. In addition, due to the rules of Ethereum and EVM, designers need to implement many functions of EVM and key parts of the execution model themselves.


Advantages of non-EVM blockchains

Non-EVM enables programmers to expand their user base and application scope. For example, projects Raydium and Serum on the Solana chain are exclusive to Solana. Terra was once a unique public chain designed to connect on-chain and off-chain payments. In addition, platforms that are not compatible with EVM can provide end users with fast transaction times and cheap transactions.

These advantages make non-EVM blockchains an emerging option for specific use cases and markets, providing more choice and flexibility to developers and users.

Disadvantages of non-EVM blockchains

High development costs: Chains that are not compatible with the EVM may require additional development work to accommodate their unique ecosystems and rules, which may lead to higher development costs.

High barriers to entry: Non-EVM-compatible chains may have high barriers to entry for developers and users as they need to adapt to new tools, technologies, and ecosystems.

Difficulty in project migration: Migrating a project from an EVM-compatible chain to a non-EVM chain may face some challenges, including the need to rewrite smart contracts and adapt to the new ecosystem.

Since non-EVM-compatible chains have a clear disadvantage in terms of the number of projects, developers are more inclined to choose EVM-compatible chains.

Because they can be quickly copied and deployed to new chains, this can help save time and costs.


So, who wins in the competition between EVM and non-EVM chains? There is no clear winner between the two, as each situation is unique and developers must choose the public chain that corresponds to the development path of their project. Different projects and use cases may be better suited to different chains, so no chain can be absolutely chosen as superior to another; decisions should be made based on specific needs and project goals. EVM compatibility can help developers attract traffic and expand the ecosystem, as Ethereum users can quickly migrate to new chains. At the same time, non-EVM compatibility will undoubtedly allow developers to experiment and innovate.

In the blockchain space, no one chain can meet all needs, so developers and project teams must make choices based on their unique goals and use cases in order to achieve the best results. Therefore, in the long run, EVM will not be the only one in the future, and multi-chain coexistence is the direction of blockchain. After all, the diversity and continuous evolution of the blockchain ecosystem is its essence.