According to Odaily, Panasonic announced last week a project exploring the use of DCJPY digital currency to create travel passes. DCJPY is a tokenized deposit scheme supported by Japan's largest companies, with plans to launch in mid-2024. The core of this experiment will involve tourist passes, allowing visitors to ride trains and buses unlimited times for a fixed fee, and enjoy discounts at shops, restaurants, and other leisure destinations. The goal is to use smart contracts to allocate the revenue paid by tourists.

Other project participants will include DeCurret, the company behind DCJPY, au Financial, a subsidiary of KDDI Telecom, IT consulting firm TIS, and SocioFuture. The initiative aims to leverage the potential of digital currencies to streamline travel experiences and provide more efficient services to tourists. The use of smart contracts will ensure a fair distribution of revenues, contributing to a more sustainable and equitable tourism industry.

This project represents a significant step in the adoption of digital currencies in the travel industry, demonstrating the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize traditional business models. The involvement of major companies like Panasonic and DeCurret underscores the growing interest in digital currencies and their potential to drive innovation in various sectors.