According to Odaily, the verdict in the lawsuit filed by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) against Craig Wright has been announced. The judgement revealed that Wright was not as clever as he believed himself to be. In his written testimony and several days of oral testimony during cross-examination, it was firmly established that Wright repeatedly lied to the court on a wide range of issues.

Most of his lies were related to the documents he had forged to support his claims. All his lies and forged documents were aimed at supporting his biggest lie: his claim that he is Satoshi Nakamoto. The reality, however, is much simpler. Due to the numerous lies Wright has told over the years, it is difficult to accurately pinpoint what actually happened in some aspects. These difficulties do not affect the fact that Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto.

As for the so-called evidence supporting his claims, at best, they are questionable or highly suspicious, or purely coincidental. In the worst-case scenario, they are fabricated and/or based on documents that are believed to be massively forged by Wright. These fabrications and forgeries were revealed in the evidence received in the trial.

Therefore, this judgement contains a lot of technical and other details to reveal the true scale of his false propaganda that he is/was Satoshi Nakamoto. These details were elaborated in the detailed written closing arguments prepared by COPA and the developers, and were further emphasized in their oral closing arguments.