According to Foresight News, ApeCoin has announced its plans to extend ApeChain to Arbitrum using the modular blockchain platform, Caldera. ApeChain is a gaming-centric L3 network.

The move is seen as a strategic step by ApeCoin to leverage the capabilities of Caldera, a modular blockchain platform, to support the expansion of ApeChain. This will enable ApeChain to tap into the potential of Arbitrum, a Layer 2 scaling solution, to enhance its gaming-centric network.

The expansion of ApeChain to Arbitrum is expected to bring about significant improvements in the gaming experience for users. It will also provide a robust platform for developers to build and deploy decentralized applications.

This development comes as part of ApeCoin's broader strategy to strengthen its position in the blockchain gaming industry. By leveraging the capabilities of Caldera and Arbitrum, ApeCoin aims to provide a seamless and enhanced gaming experience for its users.