According to Blockworks, MapMetrics, a Decentralized Physical Infrastructure (DePIN) project, has announced its departure from the Solana ecosystem to migrate to peaq. Peaq is a layer-1 solution specifically designed for DePIN and Machine real-world assets (RWAs). MapMetrics, a drive-to-earn initiative, rewards its users with tokens and NFTs for supplying anonymous live traffic and map data. The team aims to develop a decentralized global map using Web3 technology, similar to the DePIN project Hivemapper.

Brent van der Heiden, co-founder of MapMetrics, stated that the decision was influenced by the modular DePin functionality offered by peaq. He explained that the 'Peaq ID', a decentralized multi-chain machine identity, allows the network to prioritize real machines during periods of high load. He also mentioned that the DePIN data verification framework and other Modular Functions would aid in expanding their DePIN's features.

Heiden also highlighted potential synergies within the broader peaq ecosystem, including with other DePINs and enterprise partners. These synergies could potentially lead to new partnerships and increase demand for the project. Heiden said, 'Peaq’s community includes thousands of DePIN enthusiasts, which will help us grow, and the Machine Composability that comes with using the same identity standard across the ecosystem will help us tap into the pool of devices already on peaq.'

The transition process will be executed in multiple phases, starting with smart contract deployments on peaq, followed by the transfer of core business logic to the layer-1. Subsequently, native token minting will also be available on peaq, and a bridging option will be provided to existing holders.

Despite MapMetrics' decision to leave, the Solana ecosystem continues to be a popular choice for many DePIN projects. For instance, Natix, another DePIN mapping project, announced its plans to launch its native token on the Solana blockchain, while still maintaining collaboration with the peaq network.