Binance Square
Jaynti Kanani, co-founder of Polygon, has announced he will be stepping back from his day-to-day involvement with the project. This comes as developers are working on Polygon 2.0, which aims to seamlessly integrate zero-knowledge proofs. Kanani has been involved with Polygon for six years and expressed his desire to embark on "new adventures" while still indirectly contributing to the project. Despite the change in leadership, Polygon 2.0 remains a central focus for the project's future. Developers are actively working on the project, which consists of four protocol layers focused on staking, interoperability, execution, and proofing. Polygon 2.0 aims to bring a new level of sophistication and efficiency to the world of blockchain technology. The news of Kanani's transition has not significantly impacted Polygon's native token, MATIC. The token's price has remained relatively stable within the $0.55 to $0.58 range, and at the time of writing, it stands at $0.56, reflecting a 1.1% increase over the last 24 hours.

Jaynti Kanani, co-founder of Polygon, has announced he will be stepping back from his day-to-day involvement with the project. This comes as developers are working on Polygon 2.0, which aims to seamlessly integrate zero-knowledge proofs. Kanani has been involved with Polygon for six years and expressed his desire to embark on "new adventures" while still indirectly contributing to the project.

Despite the change in leadership, Polygon 2.0 remains a central focus for the project's future. Developers are actively working on the project, which consists of four protocol layers focused on staking, interoperability, execution, and proofing. Polygon 2.0 aims to bring a new level of sophistication and efficiency to the world of blockchain technology.

The news of Kanani's transition has not significantly impacted Polygon's native token, MATIC. The token's price has remained relatively stable within the $0.55 to $0.58 range, and at the time of writing, it stands at $0.56, reflecting a 1.1% increase over the last 24 hours.

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