Binance Square
Kevin Cryptonomist
CXApp Inc. (NASDAQ:CXAI) has unveiled an AI-based SaaS platform aimed at solving the return to office (RTO) problem, which is estimated to be worth $1.3 trillion. The platform uses augmented reality and artificial intelligence technologies to integrate digital experiences with the real world, improving output and efficiency. CXAI's stock price has risen over 50% in the past five days, outperforming the S&P500. The CoinCodex price prediction algorithm expects CXAI to surge off the market bottom, with a +1500% forecast that would take the stock to new all-time highs.

CXApp Inc. (NASDAQ:CXAI) has unveiled an AI-based SaaS platform aimed at solving the return to office (RTO) problem, which is estimated to be worth $1.3 trillion. The platform uses augmented reality and artificial intelligence technologies to integrate digital experiences with the real world, improving output and efficiency. CXAI's stock price has risen over 50% in the past five days, outperforming the S&P500. The CoinCodex price prediction algorithm expects CXAI to surge off the market bottom, with a +1500% forecast that would take the stock to new all-time highs.

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