According to Odaily, Elon Musk has announced an upgrade to Grok on the X platform. In addition to the upgrade, users will soon be able to experience a new 'fun mode' feature. This innovative feature will present news from a humorous perspective, adding an element of entertainment to the user's experience.

The announcement has sparked interest among users, who are eagerly anticipating the new feature. The 'fun mode' is expected to provide a unique and engaging way for users to consume news. However, further details about the upgrade and the new feature have not been disclosed yet.

This development is part of Musk's ongoing efforts to enhance user experience and engagement on the platform. The introduction of the 'fun mode' is expected to add a new dimension to the way news is consumed, making it more enjoyable for users. The upgrade and the new feature are expected to roll out soon, although a specific timeline has not been provided.