According to Odaily, Lilian Nurieva, the former network director of the Russian cryptocurrency investment fund Finiko, has been sentenced to three years in prison for defrauding private investors and participating in an organized criminal group. The Federal Investor and Shareholder Rights Protection Foundation believes that this $55 million pyramid scheme is the second largest financial fraud in post-Soviet Russian history.

In 2021, Russian authorities began investigating the 'cryptocurrency investment fund' Finiko for alleged fraud and organized crime. The investigation revealed that the fund was a cryptocurrency-based pyramid scheme that had absorbed millions of investors' funds. From 2018 to 2021, Finiko operated as a pyramid scheme, offering a cryptocurrency fund to investors. The main organizer and beneficiary of the scam, Kirill Doronin, held masterclasses across the country, attracting thousands of customers. With the help of his accomplices, Doronin created a criminal gang that systematically misappropriated citizens' funds.

The court in the Vakhitovsky district of Kazan ruled that one of Finiko's top executives, Lilian Nurieva, was guilty of defrauding investors. Nurieva was a key participant in the crypto scheme and was given a 'light' sentence due to her cooperation with the prosecutor.