According to Odaily, the ETH/BTC exchange rate has reached a three-year low of 0.04577, as observed by blockchain analyst @ai_9684xtpa. This has led to a significant whale, identified as 0x111...dc42e, facing potential liquidation. This whale has been consistently long on the ETH/BTC exchange rate since March 2023. Five hours prior, the whale repaid 76 WBTC, equivalent to $5.09 million, through a flash loan. Currently, the whale still has 15,483 ETH as collateral, having borrowed 600 WBTC, with a health factor of only 1.02. Since the start of 2024, this whale has accumulated a loss of $22.45 million due to being long on the ETH/BTC exchange rate. On January 9, the whale was liquidated of 3,870.79 ETH, valued at $8.93 million. Later, on April 14, the whale faced another liquidation of 4,539.7 ETH, worth $13.52 million. These events highlight the risks associated with long positions on the ETH/BTC exchange rate, especially in a volatile market.